Friday, September 16, 2016

A New Year

In and around waves of heat, we have had the stirrings of autumn lately…some trees are not quite as green, as hints of yellow and orange begin to spread, the sun rises later and the night falls earlier.  School buses are everywhere, there are long lines for haircuts and shoes, and empty local beaches.  On the plus side, the sunsets across the street from our church are spectacular.

I find myself feeling a bit melancholy, about a summer gone too soon, about endings as we say our goodbyes to David Perkins, and the uncertainties of change, as well as fears of a harsh winter.  I have never liked this time of year, as we shift from summer to autumn, and the earth begins her dying process.  When I was a child, it usually meant starting a new school, in a new place, and not knowing where, or if, I would fit in.

This autumn we will welcome a new rector, and we are starting a new program year with some new staff.  Our country will elect new leaders, a President and a Vice President, new senators and representatives.  The questions of who we are and who we will become loom large, with so much at stake, and strong, principled leadership is essential. 

It would be too easy to get caught up in the swirl of information that never seems to stop, and become overwhelmed and frightened, on every level.

A leader is a good thing to have, and our Search Committee and Vestry have been not only diligent and prayerful, but faithful.  Throughout these past 26 months, this parish has been faithful, diligent and prayerful as we have tried to discern individual calls to the ministry of this church, and amazing things have happened: many, many faithful and strong leaders!  There is a new spirit here, more people are involved, and we welcome newcomers each week. 

Let us hold fast to the Good News of the Gospel as we tread these waters of uncertainty.  We are a people of faith, a resurrection people, a joyous people in a community committed to loving each other as Christ himself loves us.  God works through all things for good for those who love him.  Do not let your hearts be troubled, and neither let them be afraid. 

We are here, we are paying attention, and we are ready to begin again.  Indeed, we already have.

The Rev. Katherine T. Gray

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