Our purpose
to Care, Do, and Reflect
Our three days of mission in the local community were
rich. We had 24 youth and 7 adult
missionaries go out. Our focus was the
many kinds of hunger. We reflected
through scripture and worship each day as we completed projects where we
learned about each organization and assisted in areas that the organizations felt
would be most helpful.
Tuesday, June 21 – Theme: Prepare
Who we supported: The Virginia Peninsula Foodbank
& THRIVE Peninsula. We reflected on the statistic that this area of
Virginia has the highest level of food insecurity. We completed projects with
the Food Bank and THRIVE Peninsula where we learned about each organization. This helped us to raise our awareness for our
Wednesday, June 22 – Theme: Feeding
Who we supported: Youth Give
Back Luncheon to our Parish and Caring for our church in the morning, we
provided a welcoming atmosphere for a meal to be shared which provided for the
building of relationships. In the afternoon, we cared for the church grounds,
that by giving to the earth, the world will give back to us.
Thursday, June 23– Theme: Giving
Who we supported: Grace
Episcopal, Yorktown & St. Paul’s Episcopal, Newport News. We prepared 100
Manna Bags to assist the homeless and prepared 60 meals to be passed out in the
community for those who are hungry. We learned of the hunger focused outreach
provided by Grace Episcopal Church in Yorktown and St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
in Newport News. We are grateful for The
Rev. Connie Jones and The Rev. Bruce Cheney who worked with us.
We gave each of the four organizations we supported a
$200.00 donation to further their hunger mission in the community. Your challenge as a parish is ask one of the
missionaries about their experience and how you can assist to change hunger in
our community.
Submitted by Harper Lewis, Youth Director