Thank you!! What an amazing, gracious welcome you have given me and John during (and even prior to!) our first days here. So many people have done so many kind and generous acts of love. You’ve unpacked and decorated my office, showered me with gifts, written beautiful reflections about your experiences of God’s light at St. Andrew’s, and put on a glorious reception, with so many people contributing food and labor and love. The flower team and altar guild lavishly decorated the church and parish hall for my first Sunday. Brad Norris composed a gorgeous, eloquent prayer that the choir sang during our first service together. Our wonderful parish staff has welcomed me warmly (with a homemade breakfast, no less!) and has been incredibly patient with my many questions. Janna and her staff and our day school students have greeted me with warmth and enthusiasm and encouragement. Thank you all.
Did you know? In your incredible graciousness, you are a living, breathing reminder of the way God works: God moves first, loves us first, is gracious to us before we have ever offered God anything and beyond what we could ever deserve. I am brand new to you, and yet you have greeted me with affection and warmth and love, giving generously of yourselves before I’ve had any opportunity to give to you and beyond any generosity that I can repay. Thank you so very much, not only for your loving welcome but for reminding me once again of God’s pattern of love.
In the first few weeks, I am scrambling a bit to learn how things work here at St. Andrew’s. I am meeting one-on-one with each staff member to learn about their hopes and concerns and to figure out how best I can support this amazing team in the ministry they are carrying out. I am in close contact with our wardens, John and Doug, and am looking forward to my first vestry meeting. Please keep me in your prayers as I listen and learn; and please know that you and our ministry together are very much in my prayers.
Every blessing and much gratitude,
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