Monday, July 31, 2017

Vestry Liaison Report: Worship Team

The Worship Team gives parishioners at St. Andrew’s the opportunity to be personally involved in the conduct of our worship services.  Members of the choir, who provide music; the lectors, who read the lessons and prayers; the chalicers, who help with communion; the acolytes, who perform ceremonial duties and assist the clergy; and the liturgical dancers, who perform frequently at St. Andrew’s and other churches all participate directly in worship services.  Those who aid the clergy in the implementation of worship services include the ushers, who hand out bulletins, take up the offering, and provide assistance to the clergy as needed; and the sound techs, who maintain and control the microphone system.  The sound techs are currently implementing a hearing aid system that should benefit many parishioners in the coming months.  The altar/flower guilds prepare the church for worship by caring for and preparing all linens, hangings, communion vessels, and implements used in worship services as well as arranging flowers.

Parishioners participate in Centering Prayer on Monday afternoons and Thursday mornings.  Centering Prayer is a form of mindfulness meditation which comes to us from the earliest days of Christianity.

Those of us who participate in one or more of the worship teams find that our own worship experience is made more meaningful – there is a sense of accomplishment and it is fun to be involved in a team effort.  We encourage anyone interested in any of these activities to join us.

Dick Barnwell

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