Dear friends,At the Episcopal Parish Network conference I recently attended, one of the presenters was the senior warden of the Church of the Resurrection in Alexandria, Virginia. She explained that after much prayer and discernment, she and her fellow parishioners decided to tear down the large, aging church facility they had outgrown and replace it with a much smaller worship space—located in the middle of a brand new complex of affordable housing units they would build on the church’s property.
Today the Church of the Resurrection and the apartment complex share outdoor space. Residents of the complex worship at the church, and parishioners are involved in a wide array of outreach ministries serving their new neighbors. A tagline on the parish website says: We are a community, a functional family, a home.
The senior warden explained that the first worship service in the new space was held a few years ago on Easter Sunday. Remembering that day, she got choked up. She said simply, “We experienced resurrection.”
In just a few days, we will gather together to celebrate resurrection: God raising Jesus Christ from death to life. This is the central truth of our faith, the miraculous event that gives meaning to our lives—and to our deaths. Despite—and in the midst of—all of the suffering in our world and in our lives, we celebrate resurrection. We gather with joy to proclaim Alleluia, to hear the wondrous story once again, to praise God through word and song, to share the divine and simple meal that unites us to Jesus.
As you prepare for our Easter celebration on April 9, I invite you to ponder the resurrections, large or small, that you have experienced in your own life. And I look forward to celebrating with you the ultimate resurrection: Jesus’ new life that gives us new life.
Blessings. - Anne
PS. As is customary here at St. Andrew’s, Easter offering envelopes will be available at both entrances to the church. You can also make your Easter offering online here. Please also bring your Mite Box offering for Episcopal Relief & Development and your flowers to help decorate our outdoor cross.