Monday, May 1, 2023

Bill Wilds preparing to retire... but not leave (phew!)

Dear friends,

After much thought and prayer, Bill Wilds has decided to retire from his paid position at St. Andrew’s on December 31 of this year—after 23 years and 3½ months on staff!  (But who’s counting?!  😊) The good news for us is that Bill is not leaving St. Andrew’s; he is simply stepping out of the role of parish employee while continuing on as an active and beloved parishioner.  I am so grateful for his long and faithful ministry as a staff member here—and particularly for his gift of foresight, which helps us move smoothly from one church season to the next.
We will honor Bill with a festive retirement celebration on December 17 after the 10:30 service.  Rachel Roby is the point person for that event, and she will let us know how we can help.  This fall we will collect a purse for Bill, along with personal notes of appreciation.  (Stay tuned for more information about the festivities and gifts.
Meanwhile, much is going on behind the scenes as we prepare for this big change in our staffing.  Technically, Bill’s position is “Liturgical Assistant,” but as you have undoubtedly observed, he is involved in many, many other ministries here.  Bill produced for me a two-page single-spaced list(!!) of duties he carries out that were not on his original job description.  He and I have been meeting for several months to discern how best to ensure that crucial ministries are carried forward
We will not be hiring a new staff member.  Now that Cary Kelly is serving as our Parish Business Manager, she has been able to remove from Ann Turner’s plate some finance and insurance duties that Ann graciously took on when our finance administrator retired last summer.  Upon Bill’s retirement, Ann will take on Bill’s paperwork duties (preparation of bulletins, newsletters, mailings, etc).
Since many of the tasks Bill is laying down are ministries that are more typically carried out by parishioners volunteering their time and talent, we are seeking such volunteers.  (Read more in the following article.)  Bill himself plans to transition to serving as our volunteer sacristan at the 10:30 service, helping to coordinate the flow of service.  
I am so grateful to Bill for his labors of love in this place, and I look forward to continuing to work alongside him in the months to come.  Please join me in holding Bill in your prayers as he prepares for retirement. 
Blessings.  -Anne

Big shoes (Bill’s) to fill:  How you can help…
As Bill and I continue to meet and talk about which ministries need volunteer leadership, I will pass along that information.  Here is one important ministry in need of leadership:
Acolytes:  Crucifers, torchbearers, gospel-bearers—the ministry of youth and adult acolytes is a special part of our liturgical tradition, adding reverence and beauty to our worship.  We are looking for someone to take on the leadership of this ministry, which includes recruiting, training, and scheduling acolytes; and preparing for the annual acolyte recognition.  Bill Wilds is standing by to help train the new leader.  (You??)  Please contact Bill if you can help.

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