Monday, April 15, 2024

I am grateful for you!

Dear friends,

I am grateful for:

Busy moms who take the time to craft a poignant Maundy Thursday service where children learn to wash each other’s feet

Hardworking altar and flower guild members and leaders who polish, scrub, lug, decorate, refill, iron, launder, organize, replenish, and arrange to create such beauty for our worship week by week, season by season, year by year

Those whose hands hold and distribute the bread and wine, helping us partake of Christ himself, inside the church and elsewhere

Volunteer receptionists who answer phones and doors and endure long periods of potential boredom in order to spring into action when needed

Musicians and their leaders who grace us with the gift of their voices and other instruments, leading us in song and enriching our worship

Those who guide us to and from the altar, collect our offerings, provide us with bulletins, and greet us with a smile

Teachers and helpers and nursery staff who enfold our littlest ones with love

Acolytes of all shapes and sizes and ages; those who are learning and those who are mentoring

All who plant and rake and weed and water, stewarding our precious grounds
Cooks and dishwashers, servers and table setters; all who nourish us in body and spirit through church fellowship

Those who pledge and tithe and give; and all who count and organize, deposit and manage our finances, caring wisely for that which has been entrusted to us

Sound operators and video streamers, ably overseeing electronic ministries and gamely leaping to assist each other when glitches arise

Those who study and those who teach; on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays and so many other times in between

Lectors who read God’s word for us and offer our heartfelt prayers to God

Staff who scramble to ensure that funerals and receptions are a source of comfort and hope for grieving families; that our spacious and somewhat challenging building is well cared for; that concerns are addressed and communication happens

Vestry members who grapple faithfully with knotty problems in order to serve God and their fellow parishioners

People who come and worship even when they are tired or stressed or overwhelmingly busy; even when the morning hasn’t gone smoothly and the car ride wasn’t pleasant

Those who speak or text or email sweet and encouraging words to uplift tired spirits and remind people of God’s love

All who go out into the world for God’s sake and on our behalf

You  😊
Easter blessings and much love.  -- Anne

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