Tuesday, January 17, 2023

The Art of Being

As we now are fully in the midst of the Epiphany season of Light, the following is a reprint from a now out-of-print book entitled The Art of Living by Wilferd A. Peterson (Simon and Schuster, New York, 1961).  In it is a chapter on The Art of Being.

The art of being is the assumption that you may possess, this very minute, those qualities of spirit and attitudes of mind that make for radiant living.
It is a philosophy of being today, instead of becoming in a tomorrow that never comes.
It is recognizing that courage, joy, serenity, faith, hope and love are immediately available now, and proceeding to open yourself so these qualities can be expressed through you in everyday living.
It is following the maxim of Shakespeare: “Assume a virtue though you have it not”…knowing that the dynamic power of habit can build it into your character.
It is being great now, being forgiving now, being tolerant now, being happy now, being successful now, instead of postponing positive and constructive living to some vague and indefinite future.
It is knowing that when we move into the future it becomes the now, and that now is the appointed time!  [2 Cor. 6:2]
It is facing the fact that your biggest task is not to get ahead of others, but to surpass yourself.
It is wasting not time dreaming about the rich life you may live next year, or ten years from now; it is beginning to live at your best right now, today.
It is heeding the wisdom of the ancient Chinese seer who observed: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” and it is taking that step today.
It is beginning today to be the [person] you want to be.
It is developing an awareness of the infinite possibilities in each magic moment.
It is enlarging the now by pouring into it intense creative energy.
It is immortalizing the present moment that your life may have eternal significance.
It is coming into a full realization that the Master voiced the secret of victorious being, when He declared that the Kingdom of God is not afar off, but that it is within you now! [Luke 17:21]
To this I will add a little verse that keeps me focused on the art of being:
being still
The art of being: being fully attentive to God’s Light through the remainder of the Epiphany season (and beyond).

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