Monday, October 16, 2023

Pledge campaign reflection by John Garrett, Oct. 15, 2023

This year's Pledge theme is Reflection and Renewal.

These words are frequently used when defining why we regularly attend church.  To some extent, we each have our own definition of them. However, since they are the topic, having a common definition seems appropriate. 

 "Self-reflection is a deliberate time set aside to slow down the busyness of your life and evaluate your actions with the intent of learning from your experiences, desires and feelings."

"Renewal can be defined as changing into something new and different. Renewal in Christ means that we are made into something better."

The services in our prayer book ask us to reflect on who we are, decisions we have made, actions we have taken and the ramifications of all. Is the person that we are and have been, the person that we want to perpetuate? Or, are changes and modifications needed to help us become who we strive to be, hence our need to also focus on Renewal. 

Reflection is relatively easy when we devote the time and energy to focus to it. It's like mental gymnastics. No action is needed, just define changes desired in who we are. Stated another way, it's a plan. 

On the other hand, renewal requires action to implement the changing of our thoughts, actions and behaviors. The execution of our improvement plan following reflection is challenging, we must overcome the inertia of our old ways. We come to church for help and support, to inspire, and to support change. This is provided by our liturgy, the Biblical lessons, sermons and the participation of collective worship service.  If tenacious enough, it can occur in isolation, but worshiping together facilitates and enhances achieving Renewal. 

As each of us reflect on our individual and collective being, might our renewal process lead to us to do our part to provide St. Andrew's the financial resources to perpetuate our mission. And in doing so, please remember that inflation is up 17% since 2020. Might our offerings reflect this. 

Thank you.

John Garrett

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